Life in the residence
Residence Facilities
Living in a residence far away from home is not easy, when moving abroad, every student should understand that he begins a much more meaningful and responsible life. It is necessary to keep your personal place in order, keep track of your things, organise your day, and follow the daily routine yourself. That is why the residence of our school only accepts students older than 13-14 years old. To fully tell you about the residence, I suggest going in order. Let's start by entering it.
We will start with the fact that the residence in San Patricio Toledo is divided into two floors. One floor is made separately for girls and the second for boys. However, the floors of the school are not designed separately only for the residents. The girls' floor is located on the main, ground floor along with the main entrance, classrooms, and library. The boys' floor, on the other hand, is located just below, with other classrooms, a dining room, and an assembly hall. Please note that the boys' floor is not in the "basement" in any way, as it may seem, the school is located on a hill, and there are not even any basements in the school. The only difference is the height above the lowest part of the school. One of the huge advantages of living in our residence is that it is located in the same building with the school itself, no one will get wet and freeze on the way there in the morning or in the evening. And also the proximity of the classes themselves is very impressive. It allows us to wake up much later than our classmates do.
Although we have two different residences (for girls and boys), I will focus my attention only on one of them, the boys' residence. They have practically no differences, so for the most part, they are similar. The first thing that catches the eye is the residents' board, it is respectively made to represent the residents of the residence. It's more like a poster showing the photo, name, and origin of each of us, made for visual decoration, but also showing the planet we all share that connects us together. Going a little further, a small learning area catches the eye, where you can sit, meet with a group to work on a project, or do homework. Behind, you can see the evacuation door. Sometimes, in the residence, and in general throughout the school, fire alarm tests are carried out.
On the right of the same place, there is a small exit to the street, waste sorting bins, and a continuation of the corridor leading to all rooms with a small common room. The hall and the balcony are two areas where people constantly meet. Most of the time it is the girls who go down to the boys' residence, this is rather caused by the fact that the men's residence is slightly larger than the women's, there is this additional area for studying and a balcony, which the girls do not have. Meetings are held in the common room, movies are watched and food is stored in the refrigerator. Each room has a separate place in the refrigerator and a specialized shelf for simpler sortment of food.
Both boy and girl residences have 7 rooms. There are 4 rooms with connected bathrooms. (One large bathroom between two rooms). The other three have individual but smaller bathrooms. 3-4 people live in each room, depending on the occupancy of the residence each year. The rooms are small in principle, but spacious enough. There are two bunk beds in each room, you or your neighbors will definitely not be lucky to sleep on the top bunk. The bottom one is much more comfortable, besides, there are additional shelves right next to the bed. Everyone in the room has a table, a chair, and a small table lamp. There are very few sockets, and there is indeed never enough for all devices. I advise you to take an extension to charge your computer, phone and everything needed without facing any dificulties.
Each room also has 4 closets, air conditioner, and a large double-curtain window. There is enough space in the closet to distribute all your belongings. A shelf on top, a place for hangers, and three drawers at the bottom. The presence of air conditioning is also a big advantage when it comes to living in such a hot climate like in Spain. The window has two different curtains, one from the very bright sun and the second is thick, which completely covers the sun. The large bathrooms have 3 toilets, 4 showers, and two sinks. In small baths, there is only one toilet, two showers, and a sink. Everyone has their own drawer to put their hygiene supplies in. Towels are changed every three days. While bed cover, once a week, on Fridays.
Bags for Laundry
Laundry is a weekly process of washing clothes. At the beginning of the year, each resident is given two bags with his individual number. One big bag, for clothes. While the second one is small, for underwear and socks. All rooms have different washing times, some give dirty clothes away on Monday, and pick them up on Thursday. Someone, on the contrary, hands over dirty laundry on Thursday and picks it up on Sunday or Monday. The school washes all things, dries them, and then irons. Bags are nice for sorting multi-colored clothes, you can put light clothes in one, dark ones in the other. However, you can not give more than 10 personal pieces of cloth in a large bag for washing, they do not fit inside of it and are not thoroughly washed. Everyone gets their ironed and clean things in a separate box, so things won't get lost.
While living in the residence, we have several meals, three times a day. This includes breakfast, merienda (afternoon snack), dinner, and lunch itself (it is held for the whole school in the middle of the day). Merienda and breakfast are identical. You can take some fresh juice, make a sandwich, or cereal and eat fruit. During dinner 2 to 3 dishes are offered, you can make a salad, sometimes have a dessert.

We do not live alone in the residence, we are all constantly looked after by the "monitors". In our residence, there are four of them: Luis, Yaling, Elena, and Jose. Two women and two men periodically change shifts for two days. They monitor the residents leave and come back from walks, control the school hour, and bedtime. For any questions or for help, you can easily contact them, they will always help. The female and male monitors live respectively in these separate residences.
Near the school, there is a gym, a grocery store, a pizzeria, a pharmacy and a small park within close distance.