School days
The residence on school days is not as quiet and sad as it would seem. Although the guys constantly have work on their projects and presentations, everyone meets up in the common room in the evenings to discuss on life and watch some movies. Our close community will never make anyone get bored!
In the morning, music starts playing in everyone's room. This usually happens around 7:45. Monitors turn it on to help everyone get up in time, have time to do the morning routine, and not be late for school. I get up almost immediately, take a shower, wash my face, and wake up my roommates who are not that easy to wake up. In the morning, I also have time to call my parents while I'm getting dressed, after which, around 8:10, I go to breakfast. At breakfast, I usually eat a croissant with chocolate, drink juice and eat a couple of fruits. Upon returning to the room, we brush our teeth, wash our faces and get ready for school. There are always another 10 minutes to rest before leaving. By 8:50 everyone has to leave the residence and go to their classes. Lessons start at 9:00.
After school, everyone returns to the residence at 17:00, leaves their things in the rooms, and goes to a merienda (snack time). On merienda, you can usually eat something sweet, cereal, drink juice or eat fruit. On Friday, however, the snack is special. The chef prepares various delicacies and prepares plates of cheese with jamon. After this short snack, each member of the boarding house has 2 hours before the start of the daily study period in the library. Some choose to go to the gym, others to the store, a short walk, or just spend time in their room. At 19:00, the one-and-a-half-hour studying period begins, which is mandatory for everyone. Residents of the boarding house come together in the library and study, prepare for Cycle Tests, or work on their projects. At 20:25, everyone rushes to dinner. Dinner starts at 20:30 and everyone eats their food, discusses news, and plans of the boarding house.
After dinner, until 22:00 everyone has free time, people usually meet up in the men's residence and have fun for an hour. After 22:00, everyone should return to their residence and start going to their rooms. Everyone is then getting ready to sleep. They brush their teeth, wash, take a shower, or even work if necessary. Everyone should be in bed by 22:30. Despite this, you may still be awake after this hour, just if you are quiet enough.
This is how a normal school day passes on in the residence. By the way, living in a residence is a huge advantage for students. While some of my classmates have to get up at 6-7 o'clock in the morning, we get up only at 8. :)